The difference between three types of premade bag packing machines

In this article, we will introduce three types of pre-made bag packaging machines: the Rotary Pre-Made Bag Packing Machine, the Multi-Station Horizontal Pre-Made Bag Packing Machine, and the Single-Station Horizontal Pre-Made Bag Packing Machine. After reading this article, you will have a deeper understanding of the different types of pre-made bag packaging machines. If you are in the process of selecting a packaging machine, this article will be helpful to you.

First, in terms of floor space, the single-station horizontal pre-made bag packing machine takes up the least space, followed by the multi-station horizontal pre-made bag packing machine, and the rotary pre-made bag packing machine takes up the most space.

In terms of weight, the smallest is the single-station horizontal pre-made bag packing machine. The heaviest is the rotary pre-made bag packing machine, weighing between 1000-1500kg. The multi-station horizontal pre-made bag packing machine is in the middle, weighing between 600-1000kg. If you need to consider shipping costs, this is a useful reference.

Secondly, from the appearance, all three types of pre-made bag packaging machines have a controllable PLC screen on the left or right side. The single-station horizontal pre-made bag packing machine has only one station. The multi-station horizontal pre-made bag packing machine has multiple stations arranged in a straight line. The rotary pre-made bag packing machine has stations arranged in a circular layout.

Production efficiency


In terms of speed, both the multi-station horizontal pre-made bag packing machine and the rotary pre-made bag packing machine perform well.

The multi-station horizontal pre-made bag packing machine has a capacity of 10-55 bags per minute, depending on the products and weight per bag.

The rotary pre-made bag packing machine can reach speeds of 10-40 bags per minute, depending on the weight per bag and the products.

The single-station horizontal pre-made bag packing machine is slower, with a speed of 1-15 bags per minute, depending on the weight per bag and the products.

If you are aiming for high production efficiency and have a sufficient budget, the multi-station horizontal pre-made bag packing machine and the rotary pre-made bag packing machine are excellent choices. If you are not too concerned about speed and want to choose a packaging machine within a limited budget, then I recommend the single-station horizontal pre-made bag packing machine.

Bag size

When you choose a suitable packaging bag size for your product, you need to match it with the corresponding machine model. The Chinese have a saying that it is better to buy big than small, but this is not the case with packaging machines. Each model of the machine can be adjusted within a certain range. You need to choose according to your needs. Below we can introduce you to the size ranges of these three prefabricated bag packaging machines.

In terms of the bag sizes that can be packaged, the multi-station horizontal pre-made bag packing machine offers different ranges depending on the model:

  • D-150 Model:Bag size range is W80-150mm, L100-220mm.
  • D-200 Model:Bag size range is W120-200mm, L150-300mm.
  • D-250 Model:Bag size range is W170-250mm, L180-400mm.

For the rotary pre-made bag packing machine (D-200W), the bag size range is W80-200mm, L100-350mm.Film property and types:Heat aborsobtion film ,such as BOPP.  CPP.  PTT,etc.

The single-station horizontal pre-made bag packing machine (D-120) has a bag size range of W120-300mm, L130-300mm (can be enlarged to pack bags with a maximum width of 350mm).

Bag types

The single-station horizontal pre-made bag packing machine Packaging Type: Bags, Pouch, Stand-up Pouch, premade 3 side seal pouch with zip or no zip, gusset, box or sprout.Packaging Material: Paper, Plastic.

rotary pre-made bag packing machine and  multi-station horizontal pre-made bag packing machine:premade 3 /4 side seal pouch、 Stand-up Pouch,pouch with zip or no zip, Stand-up Pouchwith zip or no zip,back sealed bag,Back-sealed accordion bag, side-sealed three-dimensional bag, eight-side sealed, eight-side sealed zipper bag, gusseted bag, special-shaped bag, stand-up bag with spout

Bag samples:


Function of position

From a functional perspective, both the rotary pre-made bag packing machine and the multi-station horizontal pre-made bag packing machine have more stations compared to the single-station machine, enabling them to perform more tasks simultaneously.

The rotary pre-made bag packing machine features eight stations, each with a specific function:

  1. Bag Fetch
  2. Date Printing
  3. Zip Lock Open
  4. Bag Open
  5. Fill Products
  6. Vibrate the Product into the Bag Smoothly
  7. Bag Sealing
  8. Finished Bag Output

Additional Features:

  • Bag Bottom Opening Suction:Ensures the bag is properly opened and filled smoothly with the product.
  • Movable Wheels and Foot Stabilizers:Provides stability and ease of movement.
  • Zip Device (Optional):If equipped with a zip device, this machine can straighten the bag and seal the zipper simultaneously, completing all packaging processes automatically at a faster speed.

The multi-station horizontal pre-made bag packing machine also has multiple stations arranged in a straight line, enabling efficient packaging processes. However, the specific functions of each station can vary depending on the model and configuration.

The single-station horizontal pre-made bag packing machine can also complete the above packaging processes, but it needs to perform all the actions at a single station, so the speed is slower.

Regarding the equipment with multiple weighing equipment, the single-station horizontal pre-made bag packing machine does not have enough space to put both weighing equipment on its top. We suggest using two movable platforms to support each weighing equipment, switching to the top of the machine as needed.

Models of the multi-station horizontal pre-made bag packing machine above D-200 have enough space to place two different weighing equipment on top, which means you can dispense two different materials into the same bag ,or place the same material in both weighing equipment to speed up the dispensing process.

The rotary pre-made bag packing machine also has enough space to put two weighing equipment on its top.

Pricing Overview

Single-Station Horizontal Pre-Made Bag Packing Machine

  • Price Range:$8,000 to $20,000
  • Best For:Small businesses and operations with limited budgets. It offers good value for money despite its slower speed.

Multi-Station Horizontal Pre-Made Bag Packing Machine

  • Price Range:$9,000 to $30,000
  • Best For:Businesses with a moderate budget looking for a balance between cost and efficiency. This is a best-selling model due to its versatility and performance.

Rotary Pre-Made Bag Packing Machine

  • Price Range:$12,000 to $50,000
  • Best For:Larger operations that require high-speed, high-volume packaging. Although more expensive, the increased speed and output can result in significant long-term savings and profitability.

Each type of pre-made bag packaging machine has its own advantages and is suitable for different production needs. The rotary machine is ideal for high-speed, high-volume operations, the multi-station machine offers a balanced approach for medium to high-speed packaging, and the single-station machine is perfect for smaller operations or those with limited space and budget.If you are confused about how to use a  premade bag packaging machine, you can check out our other articles.


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